
Sep 06, 2024 My paper titled “Margin-bounded Confidence Scores for Out-of-Distribution Detection” was accepted as a regular paper at IEEE Conference in Data Mining (ICDM 2024) happening at Abu Dhabi, UAE from Dec 9-12, 2024. :sparkles:
Jul 18, 2024 My paper titled “Towards Making Effective Machine Learning Decisions against Out-of-Distribution Data” is accepted as a PhD Symposium paper at ACM COnference on Information and Knowledge Management 2024 happening at Boise, Idaho, USA from Oct 21-25, 2024. :sparkles:
May 08, 2024 Successfull completion of Confirmation of Candidature. :sparkles:
Jul 05, 2023 Commencement of PhD candidature at Deakin University, School of Information Technology.
Aug 22, 2021 Graduated from Changown National University with MS in Information and Communication Engineering