Lakpa D. Tamang

Deakin University. PhD Student, Robust Machine Learning, Out-of-Distribution.


I am a second year PhD Student at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. Currently I am associated with Machine Learning Decision Group where I am working as a Research Assistant co-supervised by Dr. Mohammed Reda, Dr. Sunil Aryal, and Prof. Dr. Richard Dazeley. My primary research interests include making the Machine Learning models reliable under various types of data distribution shifts. I completed my Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Changwon National University, South Korea in July 2021. I was Graduate Research Assistant in Information and Intelligent Systems Lab, led by Asst. Prof Byung Wook Kim. Prior to joining PhD, I worked as an AI Research Engineer (2021-2023) at Intelligence Design Co..


Sep 06, 2024 My paper titled “Margin-bounded Confidence Scores for Out-of-Distribution Detection” was accepted as a regular paper at IEEE Conference in Data Mining (ICDM 2024) happening at Abu Dhabi, UAE from Dec 9-12, 2024. :sparkles:
Jul 18, 2024 My paper titled “Towards Making Effective Machine Learning Decisions against Out-of-Distribution Data” is accepted as a PhD Symposium paper at ACM COnference on Information and Knowledge Management 2024 happening at Boise, Idaho, USA from Oct 21-25, 2024. :sparkles:
May 08, 2024 Successfull completion of Confirmation of Candidature. :sparkles:
Jul 05, 2023 Commencement of PhD candidature at Deakin University, School of Information Technology.
Aug 22, 2021 Graduated from Changown National University with MS in Information and Communication Engineering